Give back

Investment spirit

We were startup founders and we know how important it is to have investors who are also excellent “Chefs”.

We love sharing the pleasures of the table! So, every year we have decided to allocate a percentage of our revenues to investments of high-potential startups.


Coderblock is the first online platform for the creation of immersive virtual experiences within interconnected 3D metaverses for offices, events, education and shopping.
Thanks to the scalability of its proprietary 3D technology, Coderblock is able to explore new sectors and business opportunities in the digital sphere, such as the creation of the first shared metaverse in Italy.

Arcadia Holding

Arcadia Holding invests in and concretely supports in their growth phase innovative companies innovative enterprises, start-ups and SMEs, located in Sicily or intending to do so, capable of generating added value and significant social impact. The main services are: Isola (co-working space in Catania), Advisory and Equity Management.

Do you have a project?

Creiamo insieme
qualcosa di speciale!

We love working with ambitious people and brands.
Tell us what is in your head!