Design and development of an e-commerce with Magento

Cosa abbiamo fatto


SureShop is an e-commerce focused on selling electronic products to individuals and companies with commercial agreements with dozens of international distributors.

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The main requirement for SureShop was to have a high-performance, customised e-commerce developed with Magento, which had many features for internal management of the warehouse and orders with suppliers, as well as the ability to communicate with external platforms such as Ebay and Amazon.

For the Sureshop project, the contribution of Biscuitway’s UI and UX department was fundamental, which was responsible for outlining the flow, interactions and graphics of the platform.

The technical department instead dealt with ecommerce development and customisation, migration from Magento 1 to Magento 2, automatic product insertion via API connection with the supplier, stock and order management to the supplier, integration with Ebay and Amazon and customised attribute management per marketplace, multistock warehouse management, integration with ShippyPro, barcode management, shipment management and automation, returns management and ticketing support, integration with cloud invoices, automation of multi-channel price generation, customer management and customisation of customer information, customisation of search engine and customisation of checkout.

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