VOX Furniture is the exclusive online shop of the VOX brand for the sale of European and contemporary designer furniture in the United Arab Emirates.

What we have done

  • SEO

VOX Furniture is a European interior designing brand established in 1989. VOX gives real freedom of creation to consumers in more than 50 countries in different continents. VOX Furniture AE is the e-commerce for the sale of VOX furniture in the United Arab Emirates.

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A few months after putting their shop online, the management of Vox Furniture AE realised that they had major shortcomings from an SEO point of view. Feeling the strong need to position themselves in the best possible way in the interior design market in the United Arab Emirates, they turned to us at Biscuitway to begin an important process of search engine optimisation.

Our SEO specialists started working with VOX Furniture AE from the basics: market analysis, competitor analysis, SEO audit and long and short tail keyword analysis. Having put these points in place and having identified the KPIs, a strategy was planned to cover all the specifics relating firstly to on-site SEO, and then off-site SEO.

The necessary changes to the site to improve its performance, the creation of SEO-oriented content, Backlinks strategies and constant monitoring meant that excellent results were obtained in terms of both indexing and positioning with respect to the needs of the business.

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